Wild Moon Swings

Thursday, November 02, 2006

With a Beauty like That

What's this you ask? It's the most beautiful gem stone in the world. Well, I guess that's a matter of opinion. However, this is my post about gem stones - which ones I'm interested in and which ones I'm not. Here we go!

BORING! Yeah - that's right, I think diamonds are BORING! Here's why. Every friggin' woman in the world who has an engagement ring owns a diamond. What's special about that? Nothing. Also, in my opinion diamonds are over-priced these days. They're small and are generally flawless - meaning that the only interesting thing about them is that they're sparkly. Also, they're usually white, so they exibit no personality whatever. Woohoo ... However, even though I'm trashing them - they are the hardest of gem stones so they're durable and can cut glass. Except - remember girls - diamonds are not forever. They will eventual revert back into coal. Sure, it'll take a really long time - all I'm asking is that you don't get all sentimental when it comes to comercials for them.

Rubies are also one of our more expensive stones. Remember - they are red sapphires so they have a hardness of 8, which is also killer durable (anything that's this durable works well in ring form). They are also a lighter shade of red than a garnet, so you can really see the red lights. But they're also considered one of the more precious stones on the planet - thus $$$. But I hate the colour red, so I'm not particularly interested.

To me, an emerald is so blue that it hardly qualifies as a green stone. I dislike the colour emeralds come in - honestly. They are also one of our more expensive stones and softer than a sapphire or a diamond. With emeralds - the problem is size. It's hard to get big ones without flaws, so they cut them down.

Opals are soft as dust, and generally only have a hardness of two or three. I think opals are so killer beautiful that it's mind boggling - they have so many different colours and lights. They come in white, black, green, fire - hot! Anyway, it's my opinion that an opal should be worn as a necklace and not as any other piece. It should be the necklace you wear all the time and never take off. The reason? They are usually about 2% water, and so if you wear it next to your skin - its likelihood of breaking drops (your skin hydrates it), but wearing it as a ring is out of the question. You'll bump your hand accidentally, and then where will you be? It'll shatter.

Amethysts are great. They have fabulous colour and are almost semi-precious, so you can easily get HUGE stones.

This is one of my precious stones. Tanzanite is found in only one part of the world - Tanzania in Africa. This is a light purple stone that almost appears grey. It's hard and fantastic.

I think they used to mine this stuff outside my home town, but I'm not sure. I heard it from a questionable source, so ... Anyway, this stone is amazing. When you hold it out in sunlight it's green and when you take it inside and shine it under artificial light it's pink. Cool eh?

Basically, there are a whole bunch more that I want to talk about, but I'm tired now. So next time, I'll probably do citrine, peridot, moonstones, tigereye, amber, pearls and garnets.


  • So cool! :D
    I love amethysts! ^^

    And you're right... diamonds are over-priced and not rare AT ALL.

    The other day I watched a story about them on TV (the "60 minutes" program, I think) and they «unmasked» the whole industry of diamonds. Apparently, decades ago, a company found a HUGE diamond mine somewhere... and they kept those diamonds all to themselves. Other than that mine, there were no other large sources of diamonds. The company made a big publicity stunt... claming that diamonds were extremely rare... and all those crappy commercials of "Diamonds are Forever" and "Diamonds are a girl's best friend"... but it was all crap! They started selling a very limited number of rocks a year... to make people believe that they were indeed rare and were worth the price. Everyone fell for it. The company still keeps their huge «stock» of diamonds in their mine... and make people believe they are rare.

    By Blogger algelic, at 3:43 p.m.  

  • Beyond the commercials and the monopoly plot (which is true), diamonds are revered precisely because they are colorless and flawless--those combined with its high light dispersion quality makes for lots of sparklies ;P

    I think my favorite is pearl, although I do like jade, and dark stones like garnet and sapphires, and good quality quartz crystals. I'd really love to have a good strand of pearls by Mikomoto :3

    Side note, I never really liked red until I got into Kenshin and Van--and now it's one of my more favorite colors ._.

    Oh, would you also talk about the lesser known gemstones? I was reading up on larimar the other day. Turquoise is also pretty. And while looking up some info on gemstones, I found:

    By Blogger jomiel, at 12:07 a.m.  

  • I went there and looked at the list, but I had to split when I read 'Chaos Emerald'. I was like 'what's the from?' -- Sonic the Hedgehog.

    I'm doing a list number two - the stones I'm going to do were mentioned at the end of this post. ^^

    By Blogger Sapphirefly, at 7:52 a.m.  

  • I know, some of the ones are pretty dumb, but Arkenstone and Simarils and Levistones are awesome.

    By Blogger jomiel, at 3:40 a.m.  

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