X Means?

Actually, I think I was crushed.
WARNING - Spoilers ahead.
I couldn't believe that it ended in exactly the same way as Van Helsing (which was a sick and sorry excuse for a vampire movie ... sigh ... at least Kate Beckinsale looked so good she could have stopped traffic). But, there was Hugh Jackman holding a woman flopping over his arm (a woman he had just stabbed with his claws) while she died. They were in love, he killed her, she gave the audience a great look at her chest ... and? I was horrified that they used the same resolution in two Hugh Jackman movies. Poor man - he had to act it out twice. Anyway, I think that the similarities between the way the two movies ended was ... unmistakable.
That wasn't all, but I was bitterly crushed by the ending with Rogue. How could they do that? She would have been the better solution to the problem with Jean than what actually happened (which seemed far too simplistic for me given the unruly circomstances). Having Rogue give up her powers might have seemed like the happy ending, but I felt that instead it gave out a really weird message. Did anyone else notice the similarities of what she was doing to a young woman going to an abortion clinic back when it was new and people used to picket outside of them? The make sure you're doing it for you instead of for him line made it seem worse to me.
Agh - I'm probably just making stuff up, but I still found the movie really ... unspectacular. I guess they wanted to end the films with a bang, but a lot of it seemed like it hadn't been well planned, but when I look at how much time and money was put into it ... then I don't understand why it couldn't have been planned properly.
I guess I'm just becoming more and more disenchanted with the style of story telling we see in movies these days. Why even bother going to the theatre? I can have a better time with my brain.
I know I was really bitter about the rogue thing too. She's my favorit character and if you look in the deleted scenes she keeps her powers. Why couldn't they have kept that? Then theres Iceman. Is it just mr or is he one of those pretty boys that kinda pisses you off cause he's a pansy? She should of had a gambit like in the cartoons :)
Anonymous, at 3:44 a.m.
On your advice, I went and watched all of the deleted scenes. Yeah, it didn't fix anything for me. Oddly enough, it managed to distance myself from the story even more.
As far as Iceman goes ... didn't they wait a little too long between filming? That kid struck me as a kid in the first two movies, but by now he just looks like a kid who turned into a man overnight and yeah, he turned out to be a cute man, but should he really be cute?
Sapphirefly, at 10:42 p.m.
Concerning the X-men movies:
It seems that the quality is reduced with each movie they make. X3 really... absolutely... sucked. People warned me all about it, so I didn't bother to go see it.
I did see the first 2 movies. Rogue was always my favourite character. I hated Jean. And even with the age difference... I kinda wanted Rogue to hook up with Wolverine (but since I had watched the cartoons... I knew that wasn't going to happen).
The first movie was good... considering they were beggining from scratch. They chose well the actors (except for Storm, *cough*). The second movie didn't thrill me much.
I'm not a huge fan of X-men in general. I saw the cartoons when I was a kid, I watched the first 2 movies (when they played on TV)... and that's it.
algelic, at 12:02 p.m.
Hmm, I thought you were a bigger fan algelic. Aren't you the one who has a Wolverine/Rogue link on her blog?
Sapphirefly, at 8:12 p.m.
I do. But it's because the website's owner is my friend. And it's such an awesome website... she put so much work into it... I thought it deserved «publicity».
algelic, at 2:09 a.m.
I usually have a better time with my brain as well, and the third X-movie was lame, I agree, the only cool thing about was Rebeca Romijn naked and the Golden Gate beeing spun around, other than that, the movie was completly forgettable.
I actually think Van Helsing was a better movie, and yes the end is too damn similar.
Borrego, at 2:21 p.m.
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