Wild Moon Swings

Friday, September 22, 2006

A Valentine for You

So yesterday I solved Dirge of Cerberus. I don't know if the cheese could have been avoided, but all in all - THIS WAS AN INCREDIBLE GAME!

I had never played a first person shooter before, and actually, I don't think I would have enjoyed it if it hadn't been Vincent (007 wouldn't have been able to do a thing for me). They really take the time to do the fanservice PROPERLY because before almost every fight and immediately after almost every fight they really take the time to make sure that Vincent looks cool. I can just imagine two techy type guys standing in a cold and damp computer lab with their morning coffee searching for the coolest poses. Not that that's what happened. They probably had to hire dance instructors or something to come up with some of his moves. Lots of them were almost too good. Except, I have to admit that the spell is broken somewhat whenever Vincent talks. I didn't have any specific gripes about the English voice actor (even though he sounded 2,000,000,000,000 times hotter in Japanese) , but Vincent just doesn't strike me as the type to speak. I still think I liked video games better before they got voice actors. Text is just fine for me, except that they've made so many advances with graphics that one would think that the audio would have to equal it. The sound track was THE BEST! I'd buy it and listen to it for fun.

Actually, one time I was walking around in the city and I heard some familiar music coming from an apartment window and I'd be danged if I was going to keep walking before I figured out what it was from. I'm dead serious. I just stood there until I figured out that whoever was in the apartment was playing Final Fantasy VIII.

Anyway - promotions for everyone! Everyone who reads this and owns a PS2 - go buy this game immediately and make it part of your collection. And everyone who doesn't have a PS2 - go buy one immediately - they scarcely cost more than a game now anyway. So, buy them both, get some pizza and join your man for what will surely be ... an excellent evening on the couch.



  • What does "the cheese" mean? I finally looked up cheese (the verb) in urbandictionary ("to be pissed off"), but the entry for cheese (the noun) wasn't right at all.

    By Blogger jomiel, at 11:48 p.m.  

  • Probably not the kind of slang that's in the urbandictionary. I think one of my brothers made it up, or heard it somewhere.

    It's when something is extra corny, or sappy, or so hyper enthused that it's just cheesy. Sorry, I don't think I have another word in my vocabulary that really equates it.

    By Blogger Sapphirefly, at 10:45 a.m.  

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