Wild Moon Swings

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

One Hundred of Me!

I looked long and hard online for a picture that I felt summed up the essence of me, and this was the best I could come up with.

This is my 100th post here on Wild Moon Swings. I know it doesn't really matter, but I really feel a sense of accomplishment that I was able to write so much here, so for your entertainment, I will tell you a true story about me! I've been trying to think of what my absolute best story is ... and it's horrible >.< so, I'll simply tell a series of short stories that have no point. Like the one where I had an onion tied to my belt ... hey! It was the style at the time!

A couple years ago I was asked to go to a young woman's camp as a leader. I thought this was okay, but a little weird since I was barely out of the system myself and as it was I was mistaken for one of the campers instead of one of the leaders so many times it was almost painful (that's what I get for not wearing a big shirt that says 'hey, I'm an adult. Call me 'missy' again and I'll put out your teeth' ... or something like that). So, I was sitting with my girls and for one of the activities they asked us to do a personality test. There were four categories; orange - athletic, blue - creative, gold - responsible, and green - knowledgeable. I guess there were about forty people there and they made all of us (leaders included) go into groups depending on what colour we were. I was the only person there who made it into the green group. So, I sat alone at the table assigned to green whilst the other tables overflowed. I'm sitting there with my cheek in my palm thinking 'I knew I was different before - you don't have to mush it in my face'.

Out of all the classes I took in school the only course that I came dangerously close to failing was Home Ec. Can you believe that? Seriously, I got such poor marks on the sewing that my friends teased me relentlessly about how I would never make anyone a suitable wife ... ugh! But, when I was at work one day (as an adult) I found out that one of the people I was assisting had missed doing something really important. She had forgotten to buy a zillion meters of white cloth for an event that was happening the next week, so I had to go out and buy it for her. I went and snagged one of the credit card bearing executives (a guy) and took him to a fabric store, where we stood and cut fabric for the event on those massive tables. Three people came up to us and asked us for help, and I nearly got my head bitten off by a customer who didn't care that I didn't work there - she wanted MY help. Before we left the store, both I and my executive were both offered jobs. Hehehehehe! I know it's stupid and I shouldn't care, but I felt so satisfied. Who wouldn't make a suitable wife? I can be all homey too when I wanna be. In your FACE!

Hmmm ... do I have room for another one? Nope! But I'm happy that I was able to post 100 posts here! Hopefully, I'll be able to do 200 and I have a great plan for the story that I would tell. ~_^!


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