Wild Moon Swings

Monday, August 07, 2006

Worse? Or Better?

Okay, so normally I don't watch cartoons. I don't really consider anime 'cartoons', and it's been a long time since I disconnected my T.V. so I haven't even seen The Simpsons for at around a year. Well, maybe I've seen a minute or something while visiting at someone's house, but other than that - I haven't seen anything that I didn't purposefully bring into my house. However, my brother kept telling me that Invader Zim was way too good to ignore because of my 'anti-T.V.' practices. So I watched some of it and ... it's so weird.

The first episode was so ... unbelievable. I want to be a writer for this series - except that I think they cancelled it. I think. Uh ... I don't know.

Anyway, Zim is an Invader and he goes to Earth to try to prepare the planet so that when all the other Invaders show up - earth will be ripe for the plucking. Except for one thing - the other aliens are never coming. They just sent Zim to Earth to get him out of their hair because he's like the ULTIMATE screw-up.

Zim's character is intensely curious. He's like a combination between Bart from The Simpson's and Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes. So, he's diabolical like Bart and insane and clever like Calvin - except far eviler than either of them.

"At least I put the fires out"
"You made them worse!"
"Worse? Or better?"

His side-kick's name is Gr, and he's a really interesting thing. He's a robot. He was built out of alien garbage because they didn't want to give Zim a real robot slave. His head is full of whatever was in one of the Tall's pocket. So, he wears a little puppy costume on Earth to disguise him ... hehehe ... and it squeaks when he walks. Actually, I think Zim is funnier, but all the same if you're goofing around and doing nothing and someone says 'Invader Zim', say 'yes'. Kay?


  • I haven't seen that cartoon.
    "Cartoons" here suck. I noticed that in most countries they have a really cool Cartoon Network channel, that plays anime and all, but here that channel keeps repeating PowerPuff Girls and Johnny Bravo ooooooooover and oooover and ooooover again! It's sickening! They don't even show NEW episodes... just the same ones as 4 years ago.

    I looooooooove Calvin! ^^

    By Blogger algelic, at 2:27 a.m.  

  • Even though we have those channels here, with the exception of Daria and Invader Zim - I pretty much think most of the shows suck. Like - really really suck. I'm not able to watch them because of the crap that they are. And when they air anime it's almost as bad - the English voice actors are SO crappy. It's either fansubbing or DVD as far as I'm concerned.

    But yes - Calvin is great. Oh so GREAT!

    By Blogger Sapphirefly, at 9:16 a.m.  

  • No way! Daria still plays! I loved that show!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:40 p.m.  

  • Does it? I thought it got cancelled in like the year 2000, but yeah - I love Daria too. It brings out all that's bitter and angsty and fabulous in me. Yeah - I love Daria!

    By Blogger Sapphirefly, at 7:13 p.m.  

  • i thought because you mentioned it it might still play, my bad

    I did some research, turns out theyended it with a movie

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:54 p.m.  

  • Ok, so it turns out that "B" my two year old is TOTALLY obsessed with Invader Zim! Her favorite character is "Gir" and she's always imitating him.

    We went to Value Village (a thrift store) the other day and "R", my husband, found a "Gir" T-shirt in his size. "B" saw it and FREAKED out. She basically stole it from him and draggged it all around the store and was constantly saying "This is my Favorite show!" ;P

    Well, no doubt about it, we HAD to buy the shirt. Don't know if "B" will let "R" WEAR the shirt, or if she'll just keep it to herself.

    Anyway, if you're looking for good "Zim" memoribilia check out Ebay, there's tons of stuff there. "B" will be getting a plush "Gir" for X-mas. Think she'll like it?! ;)

    FourLittle Peas

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:58 a.m.  

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