Wild Moon Swings

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Moving my Can

Okay, so if you think of me as Oscar the Grouch (and it's really not such a far-fetched description), I have been moving my can away from Sesame Street to a different corner of the world. Unfortunately, I haven't moved away from a place where I cannot be touched by old problems. Actually, old problems have sort of been accentuated by my moving - or at least by people talking about my moving.

Anyway, this is a post where I am going to mush all my excess, random thoughts into one blog post, because this is the first day I've had internet access in a little under a week. I know - I'm going though withdrawl.

I have been working on 'Mark of a Goddess'. I haven't had much time for it, but I've been working on it when I have had the chance. I said that I wanted to rediscover why I write. Yeah - I remember. I write because of a need for personal expression. I have a lot of good stories of things that have actually happened to me in my life and my writing is a good way to unleash them on a public. The way DM, MW and MoaG are now - they mostly comprise a great deal of my own personal experiences and thoughts. Even though the readership might not be giving me all I deserve (review wise) - or they might be giving me much more than I deserve (review wise) ... I still can't bring myself to think of this from the perspectives I've had hollered at me. I feel like everyone who's bitten my head off over my break has done so thinking from the standpoint of a reader instead of the standpoint of a writer. I find this rather distressing of course, because I would rather have the sympathy of the person who knows what it is to be creatively drained and ticked off because of poor feedback. Well, I haven't had my head bitten off much - I ought not to complain. Right now, since my internet has been down - I have been dying for some sort of expression that hasn't been possible - even through my blog for several days. I feel like I need to stop being such a DAMN BABY and get on with it. I'm going to send my beta reader Kaytala chapter six of MoaG tonight (because I made drastic changes to it and she needs to rebeta it). As soon as she's got it back to me - I'm posting. I've had enough of this crap.

Well, I'm out of steam already. I should have known that would happen. My creative juices mostly got used up coming out of hyperspace. Besides, I've got a women's lib rant and an important question coming up in later posts. Maybe they'll be worth visiting this (my grave site) now that I've been gone for awhile.


  • Welcome back from the dead! LOL

    I know... there's times when your brain refuses to work properly and no matter what you do "you can get no satisfaction". :P I really liked the various situations you described in these 3 books. It took a lot of imagination. I know I'd never be able to do that!

    I'm sure your fans missed you! ^^ I know I did!

    By Blogger algelic, at 6:31 a.m.  

  • Well, mostly I don't think anyone realized that I was huffy and on a break with MoaG. That's okay though - like I said. I'm lucky anyone reads my story at all. I'm glad you missed me though ^_^! I missed you too!

    However, I was also EXTREMELY stressed. I can handle a lot, but these last two weeks were a little much for even my heroic spirit, so I had to pear down. So, entertainment is the first to go - so writing was first on the chopping block of stuff I had to drop for awhile. It's not that I couldn't write, but I had to drop the stress of thinking I had to update on Thursday. Maybe I'll get to update tomorrow - we'll see.

    By Blogger Sapphirefly, at 8:29 a.m.  

  • What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:59 p.m.  

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