Wild Moon Swings

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Live Action Evangelion

"What are you going to do?"

"Activate unit one."

"Activate it? But we have no pilot?"

"Not anymore. Another spare is being delivered."

With that said, this post is about Neon Genesis Evangelion. I am not a huge fan, but it is on my top ten of fantastic anime. As a an author, I can't help but be impressed at the prowess and agility of the creators of this anime series. Seriously. Talk about genius.

Well, there has been lots of talk about a live action Evangelion. Apparently, the company out of New Zealand who did Lord of the Rings is the company that's going to do it. Sorry that I can't remember the name - way too lazy to look it up. I think it's Wingnut pictures, or something like that. Please don't quote me. Anyway, it seems they get 20 times more email regarding Evangelion than they did about LotR. I can't say I'm surprised. Evangelion is amazing and offers things that frankly LotR doesn't offer. I'm probably just crabby. I love LotR, but at the same time, I recognize that LotR doesn't have a lot of profound expressions regarding human nature. Maybe the book does. Remember that I have vowed never to read LotR. The film seems to be more about the creation of a world rather than a expressing the deepest of human emotions. LotR seems to me to be more about a bunch of boys playing outside. Not that that's not great. I was watching it again today and was very impressed, but nothing in LotR inspires me to greatness, or rocks my emotional boat. There are parts in Evangelion that strike really close to home because of the pychological nature of the plotline. Evangelion tears me apart. All the different conflicts in it seem so real and relate to my most painful memories and feelings. It's human nature at its rawest - an extremely powerful story. The reason it's not part of my top five of anime favourites is because it hurts me too much to watch it.

Anyway, they say that Robin Williams is really interested in the project. Apparently, there was an Eva figurine in his movie One Hour Photo that was totally his doing. I'm sort of hoping that he gets the part of Gendo. I think he'd do a good job. If you've ever seen What Dreams may Come, you'll know he is incredibly versitile. I hope he gets that part.

Watch out for spoilers. These are my favourite Evangelion moments:

  1. When Misato kisses Shinji. I bawl my friggin' eyes out. It was so incredible.
  2. When Asuka realizes the truth about her Eva. That was so good.
  3. When Asuka fights the Eva series - HOLY CRAP. There has never been a better fight scene in any movie I have EVER SEEN. Nothing compares.
  4. When Shinji sees who's piloting Unit four (I think). Very few times do I think someone is totally justified in losing their bloody mind - this was one of those times. I hate this, but I love it because I totally didn't see it coming.
  5. When Asuka kisses Shinji.
  6. When Karou takes over Unit 2.
Oh, heck - I could go on for awhile. It was so good ... and so terrifying, and so magnificent. It ties me up in knots.


  • Evangelion was very good. They once played it on TV in my country... but they didn't show the episodes in order... so it was REALLY confusing O_O

    I recall a few scenes that really touch me. Evangelion really messes with a person's mind... amazing.

    I'm trying to gather the guts to watch this anime again, but I know I'll get really disturbed by watching it.

    Ohhhhhhh... and do you remember the penguin? ^^ OMG I loved that thing! :P

    By Blogger algelic, at 8:15 a.m.  

  • I've found 2 websites that talked about that Evangelion liveaction project. I dunno if you've seen them yet... but I'll leave the links here anyways:



    I'm going to watch this series again. I can't believe it's only 26 episodes long. I remember the first time I saw it... it looked like it lasted a lifetime.

    By Blogger algelic, at 2:27 p.m.  

  • I haven't seen them, so I'll definitely go check them out. Sorry I didn't answer you sooner, but I've been really busy this past week. Hopefully things will have gotten back to normal now. So, I'll be around.

    By Blogger Sapphirefly, at 10:53 p.m.  

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