Wild Moon Swings

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

My Skills as an Artist

Have I mentioned that I love Zelgadis from 'Slayers'. I've probably mentioned it a hundred times. Ah, well - I really love Zelgadis. Unfortunately, this post isn't about that, but instead is about my skills as an artist.

My favourite medium is pencil crayon on heavy weight paper intended for watercolours. That's what this pic was done on. And that's what most of my other art is done on as well.

It's a real shame, but since I became a writer with my whole heart instead of my half heart - my art has suffered ... at lot. It's not that I don't have time anymore, but instead that I have ravaged my wrists and arms to such an extent that drawing something like Zel here is actually painful for me. I remember this being painful for me. Besides, in real life this picture had to be scanned in four portions because the picture is THAT large. I don't have a dinky scanner either. I just draw on pages big enough for good sized paintings and I don't believe in wasting space.

Now, I'd like to talk about photoshop. I both love photoshop and I hate it. Isn't there an Apoptygma Berzerk song called 'Photoshop sucks'? Yep - there is. I just looked on my playlist and there definitely is. This pic sports my photoshop skills. Yeah - this wasn't easy for me either - and it's not even that great, but it was more work than you'd think, even if you're familiar with the pics I scammed. My poor wrists! But seriously - I love Zel and Xel so much that it hurts.

So, since I suck, I only do special request drawings that accompany poetry that I write, and I only do those for special people that I love beyond all reason. Needless to say, I've only done two. It's hard to write meaningful poetry for people!

My favourite online artist is Eugene-chan. She rocks. This is one of her INCREDIBLE pics. The only thing is that she seems to kinda like yaoi ZelxXel. I'm gonna be really honest here and say that guy on guy relationships don't turn me on ... AT ALL. I'm really straight. But that seems to be a more and more popular theme. There doesn't seem to have half as much yuri (girl on girl) stuff out there as yaoi and I've been trying to understand why. I think I finally figured out one of the reasons, though my brain doesn't work this way, so it's hard for me. I think they must get a kick out of guys showing any kind of sensitive emotion - no matter who it's directed at. At least, that's got to be one of the reasons. But, like I said, my brain doesn't work this way. I think it's most beautiful when women are feminine and men are masculine, but I guess that's boring - especially for hardcore artists who are interested in different forms of expression.

Oh well, like I said, I've never been much of an artist. I can hold my own when I need to, but I don't think I understand what truly goes on in an artist's head. I got 100% in art during my last two years in high school though, which I suppose counts for something - if only towards my G.P.A. Most of my stuff is too large to be scanned in on the computer, so I can't exactly show it off, but that might just be an excuse.

I decided to be a writer and I'll stand by it. I'm probably better at it anyway.


  • I've always sucked at drawing. LOL
    I mean... sometimes, if I put my heart into it, I can do some cool drawings... but I just draw them. I don't even colour them.

    I prefer to do stuff with clay and such. My «artistic side» will only go that far. I suck even more at painting than at drawing.

    I wish I could blame it all on me being lefthanded... but I can't.

    I loved your drawing. Does slayers have any romance?

    By Blogger algelic, at 10:00 a.m.  

  • My love for Slayers is based entirely on my love for Zelgadis and Xellos as interesting characters. Nope, there's not a lot of romance in Slayers, which is why fanfiction for it is so much fun! You can pair anyone up with anyone. But because of the lack of romance, I didn't want to suggest it to you since you're so into romance.

    By Blogger Sapphirefly, at 11:25 a.m.  

  • Maybe I'll check it out someday. ^^ Just let me finish Ultra Man.

    I've been busy studying for exams. Today I had a (dreadful) Chemistry one. Yuck... tomorrow I have another 2.

    Maybe I WOULD like Slayers. I mean... I liked Lost Universe, that I hear is like Slayers and has practically no romance (only a tiny hint of it towards the end).

    And do you consider Full Moon wo Sagashite romantic? I did. It doesn't have to envolve kissing and such to be romantic (or else Card Captor Sakura and Tsubasa Chronicle would NEVER be romantic since there is noooo kissing).

    By Blogger algelic, at 1:43 p.m.  

  • LOL I said Ultra Man instead of Ultra Maniac. Sorry, my brain is really spent. :P

    By Blogger algelic, at 1:43 p.m.  

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