Wild Moon Swings

Friday, May 19, 2006

Ghost Mist

Hiya folks,

Okay, I've started a new blog. I doubt it will get the same kind of traffic this place gets, but I'm starting a new blog soley to discuss writing. It's going to be called 'Ghost Mist' which is the name of my next project after 'Mark of a Goddess'. I'll still rant here, but I need a place to discuss writing, so I'm going to do it there instead of here. Until I have things more worked out, just access it through my profile. Hopefully, I'll figure out the whole link thing this time when I try, so I might get the link up A.S.A.P. It depends on how dense I am. I'll try.

Anway, that's all I wanted to see. I'll catch you on the flip side. Cheers!


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