Wild Moon Swings

Monday, May 08, 2006

Little Love Notes

Today, I've decided to talk about a few things that I love a lot, but the thing is, they're not things that I can write a whole blog about. I just love them and that's about all there is to them. So, I'm going to write little love notes about them. This should be an interesting experiment. The colours today will just be for fun!

Dear Strongbad,

I know I never told you this before, but I really like you. You're so ... full of crap, but in a good way. I love our little dates every Tuesday when you answer an email online at www.homestarrunner.com. It really gives me something to look forward to, and you're always there talking about ... useless crap and it makes me smile. I love you just the way you are. Don't ever change.


P.S. Give my love to Troggie.

Dear Iris,

Hi, I've never written before, but I just have to say that I love you guys. You've been my favourite band for a really long time. I love how your songs aren't dirty, but they rock. I love all your albums. I really wanted to go listen to you play in Seattle when Cause and Effect was opening for you. I would have bullied my way to the front and screamed my little head off. Your music always inspires me and takes my imagination to new and glorious heights. My favourite songs of yours are:
  • Guide on Raging Stars
  • Waves Crash In
  • Island
Oh crap! I love them all! Never stop doing your thing! Never stop!


P.S. Feel free to send me any swag you have hanging around. Ya know, if there was some that wasn't claimed or anything. I'd use it. T-shirt, buttons, posters, basically anything you've got ... if you're not using it for anything.

That was definitely an interesting experiment. Maybe I'll pick up on this later, but when I was brainstorming who else I love, I was drawing a blank.

Anyway, love is all around the world tonight.


  • That was funny! xD

    I know one of mine would probably be:

    Dear Dido,
    I love your music! You have a really sweet voice! I admit I was kinda disapointed when I bought your lastest CD the day it came out and then was not that good... but I have faith that you won't disapoint me next time! I'm SO sorry I didn't go to your concert in Portugal... but I spend all my money in a music festival a few days before to watch Slipknot, Moonspell, Incubus and Metallica. I know you're very good but there was no competition. (LOL)

    Well it's something like that! xD
    I'd probably write about 50 pages of «love» if I started it with "Dear musical Phantom of the Opera" or something related. LOL

    Status on my fanfic so far: since I told you that I was doing it, I've organized my ideas better and I've written the first 3 pages (handwritten) of my first chapter. The beggining is really boring cause I wanted to introduce some characters but anyway... it's a work in progress! :D

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:17 a.m.  

  • I like Dido too. I like 'Take my Hand' and 'Sand in my Shoes'. Those are my two favourite.

    Good luck with your fic! I'm rooting for you!

    By Blogger Sapphirefly, at 9:43 a.m.  

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