Wild Moon Swings

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

75% Responsible

Yesterday, I was chatting on my balcony with one of my favourite people on earth. He was telling me about his latest career move and I sat there with my jaw hanging so low and slack a kitten could have used my mouth as a swing - gaping at the absolute coolness of his decision. He was going to go have the exact job in the exact place that I have dreamt would be the coolest job imaginable since I was probably eleven. So, I said to him, "You're living the dream, Man!"

And he said something like the following back to me, "No, I'm a friggin' idiot." Then he told me all the irresponsible things he'd been doing lately - all career choices - about him living on the road with his friends and just getting what jobs they could find on a temporary basis just to keep them rolling (that's why we've got a powerpuff girl style Kenshin today - little rurouni - and again I don't know who did this, but it's so cute!). And that now, he's doing my dream job, but he feels like he should behaving more responsibly. He said, "You see, I'm probably about 60% the fun guy who just wants to go do these weird fun things, but then I'm 40% the responsible guy who hangs out in my head just enough to spoil the fun guy's time."

So, I got to thinking about this, and without a doubt I am 75% responsible and only about 25% fun. When in a tight pinch, the responsible one takes over completely and I might not get a glimpse of the fun me for so long that I forget she's there. Maybe that makes me more responsible than 75%, but I can't help it. I believe in living a responsible, respectable life, but I dream of going ronin and doing whatever comes into my silly head. But, I know that wouldn't get me where I want to be, so the responsible self always wins. Always. There is no contest. But just for kicks and giggles, I've decided to write three positive things about each side of me.

Responsible Self
  1. Writes
  2. Creates
  3. Throws things away
Fun Self
  1. Shops
  2. Dances to angry music
  3. Wears wigs
I should probably use this list as a guide for my next couple posts. There's a lot to talk about with just those six things. Anyway, I'd like to see myself be funner, but my responsible side is what gets things done and I suppose I really am a bureaucrat at heart. What am I saying? Of course, I'm a bureaucrat at heart and I have the stubborn attitude to go with it.

So, I'll never go ronin. I'll still get mad at guests for leaving the toilet seat up. I'll still drive the speed limit, even when I'm late. I'll still buy white bras and still not wear the orange stud choker I bought. That's right! And I'll still try my best to behave appropriately and properly, like a little lady who remembers to cross her ankles when she's sitting.

But, trust me, I'll never be able to break the habit of belting out 'Bloody Hell!' when something really pisses me off.

Ja ne!


  • Hahahahaahahaha!! I'm not sure if I'll ever stop saying Sh$t when I get upset or frustrated. I can relate woman! I'd really like to see your orange choker sometime. Did you ever see the one RJ made for me when we were dating? It's the one made out of uh, what's it called? Chainlink? I dunno, the stuff that knights used to wear for protection in battle..why isn't it coming to me? Anyway, it was pretty cool.

    Couldn't tell you how responsible I am, I'll have to think about that. I know the fun side always wants to win, but when I do have a chance to be fun, I end up saying to RJ "So what do you want to do?" and he says "I dunno, what do you want to do?" Then I worry that I'm starting to get boring like my parents, who are 100% Responsible!!! Ahhhhh! Smack me if that ever happens!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:12 a.m.  

  • I can't put my responsible side in a percentage.

    It's like this: If you look at me, you'll think I'm the most angelic person on earth, who is so responsible, so right, so inteligent, who would never say a bad word...

    Well, that's not me. People tend to judge me before they know me. I swear, I'm not always responsible, I'm certantly not an angel and well... okay maybe I'm inteligent (I'd like to think so).

    Well there are a few things that make me a very boring person: I've never smoked, taken drugs or got drunk (because I think that all those things are stupid), I've never stolen (I'm not that type), I've never been to a nightclub (Attention: I mean those places where you dance, I don't like them because they're filled with filthy "pitas", but I've been in a bar... several times).

    So it's like: when I swear, everyone is stunned that something that «evil» comes out of my mouth, when I drink a beer, everyone is stunned that I'd do something like that... I guess I'm a rebel at heart.

    But I am responsible... I have to be... still, I like to be a rebel at times.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:01 a.m.  

  • Hey algelic,

    I've never smoked in my life, never drank any sort of alcholoic beverage, never done recreational drugs of any kind, never got a tattoo, my ears have only been pierced once (the the lobe and I regret it)- and I would never catagorize any of those things as 'fun' - I would categorize them as STUPID. Never take addictive substances into your body - they will ruin your life and possibly ruin the lives of those around you. I don't even drink coffee or tea because they have caffine in them - and caffine is horrible for you.

    And even though I write about night clubs - I have only been to one once and I was judging the 'battle of the bands' - otherwise I would have never dawned the door.

    Sorry for the rampage, but I feel really stongly about this subject. If you're not doing any of those things - NEVER START. Keep the fun side of you fun and crack jokes, write fun entertaining things, do nice surprising things for the people in your life that you love, and do things in your life that make you truly happy.

    Okay - I'm done now.

    By Blogger Sapphirefly, at 7:10 a.m.  

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