Wild Moon Swings

Monday, May 01, 2006

Zelgadis-san is MY HERO

I love Zelgadis.

Actually, I drew this picture during a couple of my lunch breaks at work. While I was colouring it, do you know how many people approached me and asked me if I was drawing a bird? A sick amount - sick. In any case, it's nice to post my own art work, and I can't help it if people are stupid.

I love interesting characters, and I love Zelgadis. I love him in the anime and in the manga. I love how he's drawn. I love the guy who does the Japanese voice for him. Heck, I like his voice so much that I watched all of Scryed because he does the voice for Dyouhou. The guy only opened his mouth like once and I was like "... it's HIM! EEP!" That's how sad I am. Scryed isn't even a great anime either. The AMV I made was solely made to hilight how much I love Zelgadis ... and I'm sure the list of things I do proves how strongly I feel about him.

Not only that, but of my fanworks, Zelgadis is in absolutely ALL of them except Dragon's Moon and Mystic Wings. The only non-romantic fanfic I ever wrote was about Zelgadis, and I am so heartbroken that none of my Slayers fics picked up a following in the same way that my Escaflowne fic did, because I LOVE writing from behind his eyes.

When I think about it rationally, I even agree that Xellos is a more carefully crafted character, but that doesn't matter to me, because ... I love Zel the best. I'm such a sucker for tormented souls and Zel certainly is that.

It's just that I was off checking out Eugene-sama's artwork for him. She loves him too. You can tell by the way she draws him, and by the way over 50% of the pictures she draws are of him. She's AWESOME. Here's the link so everyone can go http://my.netian.com/~ch1yujin/page1.htm.

In a second, I'm also probably going to go on another rant about how much I love Gokusen so, look forward to that.

Love is SO around the world tonight!


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