Wild Moon Swings

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Slayers Revolution

I know it's been so long since my last post that probably no one is reading this anymore. Oh well. I just have one thing to say.

Why is the new Slayers season 'Slayers Revolution' so crappy?

I mean, I know Slayers was always a spoof, but why it is so much dumber than the first season (which was undoubtedly the silliest). Are they aiming for something more immature because 'Slayers Try' got such poor reviews? Well, I got news - the reason 'Slayers Try' was crappy wasn't because it was serious - it was because the plot wasn't compelling.

Slayers is the best when there's a serious overall plot and stupid ridiculous stuff happens along the way.

I don't know if I'll be able to watch this to the end and that hurts me because I was such a hardcore Slayers fan before.



  • Although I only watched some Slayers stuff, I empathize with your pain at having something you really enjoy lose all of the traits that made you love it. (Wow, I've got TV angst!) Hmm...maybe you could channel your disappointment into writing more of VK... (Sorry, I had to get it in somewhere.)

    Well, I hope it gets better as the series progresses. Have a good day!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:21 p.m.  

  • Wow. It's been awhile since someone reminded me about 'Vampire Kiss'. You know - it's people like you who always give me that butterfly kiss that makes me want to go on with my writing. I am still writing, but it's not ready to be seen. Thanks Lea.

    By Blogger Sapphirefly, at 6:54 p.m.  

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