Wild Moon Swings

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Monster Blood Tattoo

I don't even know if any of my old readers even come here anymore. Ever since I took that break writing original fiction - this place has been a tomb. Anyway, because Nightfaux has my blog as her start page, I can at least make sure she reads this and gets the message ... even though she won't comment, because she never comments.

If you haven't read this book - you need to read this book. I just sent the following letter to the author. I think it explains my feelings extraordinarily well.

I have never written an author a fan letter before. I'm an amateur author and I think I'm above all that. Not only that, but the whole reason I write is because I read other people's books and I go, 'They're doing it wrong'.

I didn't think that as I read 'Foundling' and 'Lamplighter'. I was one hundred percent stunned at the sheer majesty of your two stories. The world you created is so much more vivid than the sad scrawlings of maps usually found at the beginning of wannabe fantasy. When I think of the amount of work that went into creating the maps, the history, the monsters, the vocabulary and the totally and completely believable world - I shake. I feel like I've just dawned the door of a whole new era of fantasy. And not just all that - I love the diversity of the characters. Usually, I'm bored with the pathetic half-formed static characters that authors drag into the picture to fill the gaps. Everyone who shows up has something to offer, either to help introduce the world or encourage my mind down a new avenue where anything might be possible.

I was bouncing off the walls when I saw that 'Lamplighter' was that much bigger than 'Foundling'. I bought it right off the shelf for full price without having read it and I never do that, because the books I buy - I buy forever. Every book on my bookshelf is for keeps to be read over and over and to be passed onto my children as part of their upbringing.

And I've been recommending it as required reading to everyone I know. I'm like, 'Are you sick of camping in the woods with Tolken clones yet? If you're done with that and Harry Potter, then you have to read this book. It will knock you on your can.'

So, in conclusion, I have never written a fan letter before and I don't know if I ever will again.



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