Wild Moon Swings

Monday, September 08, 2008

None of them are ME!

Today I googled my screen name 'Sapphirefly' to see what came up. As usual, most of the links google provided were links to my various accounts, but today I saw some disturbing things that have left me ... disturbed. Okay, here's the thing:

There are people who have the same screen name as me who post their pictures and movies online.

I do not look like any of them. None of them are me. The only pictures I have that could be me are my anime avatars for 'Goddess of the Moon' and 'Goddess of the Wind'. And no joke - they look more like me than these broads who are creating accounts with my screen name. I am so ultimately horrified that anyone might think that one of them is me - good grief - I'm getting nervous and sweaty over here. Please don't look for pictures of me. I would never in my entire life post a picture of myself on the internet. Mercy!

And I'm NOT on facebook. I'm not going to my highschool reunion ... whenever that happens. And anyone who knows me and is looking for me, just call me and ask me if I've gained weight and how much money I make and get it over with. And anyone who only knows me as Sapphirefly - please just imagine someone cool. Someone really cool.


  • Have you ever googled Anders? All sorts of raunchy sex-crime stories. They are him.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:26 a.m.  

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