Wild Moon Swings

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Milk Cows are ALWAYS Female

Hi! I know it's been awhile since I last posted, but it's also been awhile since I was about to explode in a ball of fiery indig nant wrath. So, I happened to see a preview for an animated film called 'Barnyard' (let's try to remember that I don't have T.V. and seldom go to the movies because North American movies suck and this is yet another reason why). So, I only saw the preview, but I was sitting there going, "Why does a male cow have an udder?" Even though I sound explosive here, I thought maybe it was just a female with a low voice. No, the character's name is Otis, Kevin James does his voice and it was the story's intention all along that this male cow should have an udder. I might be on crack, but isn't that just wrong?

Let's have a brief lesson in the raising of cows. A FEMALE cow cannot be milked until after she has given birth to a calf. A female cow that is used for milking is called a milk cow. Most male cows are castrated while they are still calves and become steers. Then you just feed them until they are ready to be butchered. A male cow that ... hasn't been castrated is a bull and ranchers don't raise many of these because they are really grouchy animals - even dangerous. Usually they just have one, or borrow someone else's when they need one.

I'm starting to get really cross about this subject, because this show - though annoying - is not the only program I've seen that purposefully makes this mistake. Not only that, but Nightfaux and I were on the phone the other night comparing all the times we've happened to be talking to someone and they've blundered because somehow they never learned how livestock was raised.

Now, I'm not a farm girl. I wasn't raised with animals, but I can't help but think that people should be aware of where things come from and how they are made - especially if you plan on eating them. Yep - it's gross, but I think knowing is better than the alternative. Personally, I don't think you should eat anything that you're not willing to help butcher. Which is why I don't eat fish. The fins got in my fingers once like slivers and I haven't been able to eat fish since - no sir. I'm not skinning a fish.


  • I'm so annoyed with them making those mistakes! Grrrr! So stupid! -_-

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:33 a.m.  

  • What really bugs me in movies is when, for some reason a character is wet, either they fell in the water, it is raining, or whatever, the person on screen is dripping wet, next shot, they are damp, the next shot after that, not only are they dry, but their hair looks perfect. ARGH!!!

    By Blogger Borrego, at 12:56 p.m.  

  • I love it!
    This is exactly what I was thinking when I watched Barnyard!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:03 a.m.  

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