Wild Moon Swings

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The Top Five Anime Couples

Everyone has their couples that they root for in the anime series' that they watch, so I'm gonna list mine, just for kicks and giggles - mostly giggles. They just might surprise you. Spoilers ahead, so watch your step. And today the text will be the colour of ... the girl's hair. Yep, that sounds good to me.

So, counting backwards!

Number Five - Pacifica and Fulle

Okay, so Pacifica and Fulle from Scrapped Princess. Their love was so doomed from the start, but I refused to see it because I liked Fulle's character so much. People kept telling me that there was no way it was going to work out, but I wouldn't listen to him and I watched the three or four episodes with him in it over and over again, until we finally got the episode where Fulle dies. I was so choked! Even after he got pounded with arrows, I was sitting on the edge of the couch going, "He's still okay. He could live from that ... and that ... and that ... and that ... and that ... and ..." I think you get the picture. It wasn't until Shannon walks by Fulle's dead body that I finally gave in to the inevitable.

And I'm still cheesed.

Number Four - Shinji and Asuka

I love Shinji and Asuka from Neon Genesis Evangelion. I like how their relationship is more realistic than the typical anime couple. I like that she's obnoxious enough to get in his face and make him notice her, and I really love that she plugs his nose and kisses him for like over a minute. If you like AMVs then go find one to the song 'Everything You Want' by Vertical Horizon - then you're in. I love that music video for those two. It's perfect.

"But I mean nothing to you and I don't know why."

I love it SO MUCH!

Number Three - Jinto and Lafiel

So, next - Jinto and Lafiel from Crest of the Stars. This one is one where the hero, Jinto, decides that he is going to dedicate his life to Lafiel. He doesn't seem to care if she loves him back, but he decides within his heart that this is the way he wants to live his life - by her. It's very sweet! He's totally sacrificing for her. Now, you'd think this sort of expression of feeling would be bad, because what girl would be worthy of that? Well, Lafiel is. She's one of the few female characters that has a backbone and isn't afraid to use it.

I found this series a little difficult to understand the first time I watched it. The technobabble was hardcore, and I sat there understanding only about 75% of the dialogue, but I'd recommend giving it a chance.

Anyway, Jinto is the main character, and I want him to get the girl SO BADLY.

Number Two - Zelgadis and Lina

This is a totally non-canon couple from Slayers. The anime has her get together with Gourry and Zel get with Amelia - ew! Whenever I watch Slayers I just don't understand why the creators decided to pair Lina with Gourry - Zelgadis is infinitely better for her. At least, I think so. In the Manga though (I only have the third volume though, so don't stone me for only knowing what's in that book) Gourry suggests that Zel is in love with Lina. And I really WANT her to get with Zel. I write fanfiction for it, and have tried to get my brain around the story going a different way, but I can't make myself accept Lina getting with Gourry ... how stupid.

I'd rather Lina was alone, but if she can't be with Zel-kun, then she's got to go to Xellos. Those are the only ways to stop me from being right ripped about the outcome.

Number One - Shin and Kumiko

This is Shin and Kumiko from Gokusen. This one SO isn't a joke. I haven't got to read the whole manga yet, but if these two don't get together I am going to friggen LOSE IT. But their relationship is more doomed than Romeo and Juliet. There's no way it can work out, but if it doesn't ... my little sentimental heart will absolutely rupture. So, I've decided to make a compromise - if the author writes one really really really really good heartstopping kiss then I'll learn to live without them getting together.

And he'd fricken better.

Now I'm all jittery. So, I gotta call it quits for today. Oh, that took a lot out of me.


  • The only anime I've seen from those couples was Evangelion! =\ Oh when I'm not so busy I'm gonna get updated on the good anime!
    But I agree that Shinji and Asuka make a good couple!

    The best anime couple, in my opinion, is Sakura and Syaoran!! First I saw them in Card Captor Sakura and although they were kids I really liked the romance but was SO sad that in the end they were SEPARATED! Then I saw the movie (2nd movie - The Sealed Card) and they had them reunited and in the end they tell each other they love each other! (though... NO KISS -_- ).
    Then... for my ULTIMATE happiness... about a year ago another anime came along... Tsubasa Chronicle! And guess what..?! The story was all about Sakura and Syaoran!! Yay! And much better! In this anime they are teenagers! It's an alternative universe kind of thing... with the same characters from Card Captor Sakura but in different parts!

    I totally recomend you to see Tsubasa Chronicle! It's sooo cool! And the music rocks! So far they've made 26 episodes, and the second season begins in late April (but you have to download it from the internet, though there are great fansubbers out there!).

    Oh god I did it again... a HUGE "comment"! LOL I just can't shut up! =D Be good!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:44 a.m.  

  • You can do HUGE comments if you want to. It's totally allowed ^_^!

    I have actually seen the Tsubasa Chronicals, although I didn't know that it was a spin off (sorta) from Card Captor Sakura. Fye was SO cool! And the music was good. It kinda sounded like Madlax - but the music in Madlax managed to be better.

    I'll be honest and say that I didn't really like it, but I'll watch the next season when it comes out. It's just that nothing was accomplished in the first season. If it's going to be something that just goes on forever then I'm not interested, but if it has an interesting conclusion, then I'm game. It was okay though. ^_^!

    Anyway, post as much as you like. It's fun to hear your comments!

    By Blogger Sapphirefly, at 9:47 p.m.  

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