Wild Moon Swings

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Flying to the Moon

Hiya! I wanted to give this blog thing a chance so I could have somewhere to spread all my not-so-private thoughts. If I really like it, you'll all know, cause I'll post here all the time and drive everyone I know bananas.

So, to start off with - I was really ticked off that my user name 'Sapphirefly' had already been taken. When I took that name on - there was abolutely no one on the net who had it. Or at least my google searches didn't come up with anyone by that name. That's why I chose it - because no one else had it. It's so wretched that a person has to have six or seven aliases on the net. I knew this was happening because in the past whenever I did a search for my name on google, it would display about 14 pages of ME! All ME! And now that's all over and people have started scamming my name. I'm not pleased. And it's way too late for me to find a new name and go with that. My website is named 'Sapphirefly's Slayers Fanfic Site' (www3.telus.net/sapphirefly/sapphirefly.htm). Do you see where the problem is? How unfair! *pouts* Not to mention that for over a year I've worked to build my name up as a good fanfic author. But I'm not near famous enough to hope that they're naming themselves after me because they like my work so much, and it's not like they're naming themselves williamshakespear43@yahoo.com. So, it's too much even for my overblown ego to hope that it's all because I'm wonderful.

Anyway, I'm not really as angst-ridden as I sound. I just like being original.


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